
Thursday, December 17, 2009

Its Not about climate change, thats a lie

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said Thursday that the United States would contribute to a $100 billion fund to help developing countries cope with climate change. Japan and the European Union have already committed to building such a fund by 2020, and it is considered a critical step in forging a global climate change pact in the U.N.-sponsored talks that conclude Friday. Clinton said U.S. contributions to the fund would be contingent on reaching a substantive
political accord that would include "transparency" in tracking emissions cuts by major developing countries.

Transparency, ea right, lots of transparency with Obama. People need to watch the Jessie Ventura Episode on the Global Warming Conspiracy. Follow the money, honey. Global warming and climate change is not about preserving the planet. Its about selling carbon credits to People who need pay for permission to pollute. Its about control of our sovereignty, the continued assault by the likes of HillaryClinton,Obama, Reid, Pelosi, the Pawns for megabucks corporations to steal your taxpayer dollars. Vote these drug addicts, mental midget people out of office.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Al Gore's Hot Air Poem

Al Gore the Global warming poet,
and you can see his rhetoric shows it,
and although his words suppose it,
the fact is the fix is in and he knows it,

the deal is to sell you carbon credit,
but e-mails lied when they composed it
The Dunces went to Copenhagen to discuss it
But walked away learning they can't control it

Once upon a time, Global warming was it,
now its called climate change but who altered it,
After all it was you and me they want to believe it,
but the breath you take does not cause it

The truth is the breath you take does not cause it,
man made global warming does'nt pose it,
The basis for this hoax is the junk Science behind it,
All these climate people have to stop smoking that shit.